analog black and white photography / darkroom masking / 17×24 cm / 2022
Consumerism is part of the daily life of many people, especially those who live in big cities and advertising posters are getting bigger and bigger.
My hometown Milan is decorated with very obvious commercial images, creating a visual bombardment in which people have gotten used to looking at them. Consequently, citizens do not pay much attention to these images, despite the fact that they are seen every day, while crossing the city.
I cover these spaces that violate our unconscious as a gesture of contempt, my masking intervention is a reflection on the relationship we have with contemporary urban space, in which most of the public images come from a culture that no longer has interests social. Can you imagine a future world without advertising?
Installation from the “Raccont’Arte Prize” exhibition at the Teatro del Popolo, Castelfiorentino (FI)